Saturday, December 28, 2013

All  Rights  Reserved

Patrick   GENSAU

The  " G I F T  " of all  the  "  G I F T S  " 

  given on high  to  Mankind  ...

A     " G O L D E N    M E S S A G E  "  , 

an  invaluable "  T R E A S U R E  " ,

inexhaustible in its content  ...

The  "  B O O K  "  of  all the  " B O O K S "


As , all the rest are the " Alpha  and  Omega " 

The same as with the basic " NUMBERS"

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "chinese alphabet"

 and the letters of the alphabet 

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hebrew"

 for all   languages , once you master these ,

 you can  compose unlimited

numbers  and  pronounce unlimited phrases , 

it's the same with the 

In the Light of Truth: The Grail Message


By  "  ABD  RU  SHIN " 

the foundation stone  for all parts of creation ...

Once , this  wonderful knowledge is acquired

 as it  "should be"   , " see Epilogue " VOLUME  I I I "

 then , you know how  to behave yourself ...

A must for each  "individual" ...

Your  " CREATOR "  is  speaking  to  each individual

 direct without religious dogma ,

 in his  "INFINITE WISDOM"  ,

 giving you the keys to all your

problems , and answering to all your

  " questions  "   " All of them  " ...

Magnificient , Wonderful , Imperious , 

Majestic ,  " Extraordinary "  


  in his holiness is showing you the " WAY " 

As , " GOD " is the " WAY "  , through the

 "  WORDS " , as they are " ALIVE  " 

Some  specially "GIFTED ONES"  

granted with divine grace and  guidance , 

to have a spiritual vision on high ,  could even see

 the way leading to the  "GRAIL CASTLE "  

through the words of the " GRAIL  MESSAGE " 


 rising above with harmony in the 


words following  one after another as linked with 

divine perfection with unheard of melodies 

and enhanced with fantastic 

colours to different tons , and  vibrating

 in perfect harmony ,

 with the  meaning and in accordance  to the intonation  

of the " WORDS " of the  message and making

 their way  towards "  THE DIVINE  KINGDOM"  through

all the " 20 steps" of the " COSMIC WORLDS"

to the " GRAIL " itself  " a " GIFT " of the all Mighty

to " CREATION " in his infinite " goodness " ...  

The author of the message shows how the Grail Message 

should be absorbed ...

" E P I L O G U E  " 

   "  V O L U M E  I I I  "  

I N  T H E  L I G H T  O F  T R U T H

" T H E  G R A I L  M E S S A G E "

A  B  D  - R U  -  S H I N

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